Uspostavljanje sveučilišnog pravnog okvira za borbu protiv korupcije i diskriminacije na Sveučilištu u Zagrebu

(IImproving the Capacity of the University System to Create a Framework for Preventing Discrimination and Corruption aimed at improving Academic Integrity)

Osobe odgovorne za provedbu projekta:

Project Manager (PM) - prof. dr. sc. Željko Potočnjak, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu,

telefon: +385 1 456 43 23, 

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Central Office Manager (COM) – Lucija Barjašić, mag. phil.

telefon: +385 1 456 42 51, faks: +385 1 483 06 02

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Administrative Assistant - Iva Piški, dipl. iur.

telefon: +385 1 456 42 51, faks: +385 1 483 06 02

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